Thumbs up! SENKEN GROUP Military and Police Information Equipment Research Institute won the annual performance evaluation outstanding unit


Recently, Wenzhou Science and Technology Bureau issued a document to commend outstanding performance units of corporate R&D institutions in 2024. Our provincial research institute, Zhejiang SENKEN Military and Police Information Equipment Research Institute, was once again rated as excellent and received a 200,000 yuan financial reward. This honor marks the remarkable achievements of Senken Group in technological innovation and product development, and also demonstrates the company’s continued emphasis on and commitment to innovation.

SENKEN GROUP adheres to the concept of “innovation-driven development” and is committed to contributing to social and public safety through the power of science and technology. Its innovation platform has received excellent results for three consecutive years, which not only affirms the company’s leading position in the field of technological research and development, but also It reflects the company’s unremitting efforts and significant contributions in promoting technology to strengthen the police, empower law enforcement capabilities, and build safety.


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